ru Russian Academy of Sciencies Lebedev Physical Institute
Tamm Theory Department
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High Energy Physics Lab
[ research ]
The main avenue of research carried out at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics is the study of the theory and phenomenology of multiparticle production in high-energy collisions of hadrons and nuclei, using both QCD, which is the gauge theory of strong interactions, and various phenomenological models.
The most significant achievements of the Laboratory staff are associated with the study of the general properties of elastic and inelastic scattering of protons at high energies. For the first time, methods for calculating peripheral hadron interaction processes were proposed and developed, the correlation characteristics of hadron processes, the properties of multiplicity distributions, the characteristics of quark--gluon jets, the QCD evolution equations in energy asymptotics, Cherenkov gluon radiation, and the properties of turbulent ultrarelativistic plasma were studied.
The laboratory is actively involved in ongoing research on modern topics in string theory, including integrable models


1997-2023, Tamm theory Deparment